What is the Bow-PPSK Network For?
The Bow-PPSK network is a privilage for personal devices that you brought in from home. This could be an iPhone, Smartwatch, or Laptop Computer. The Bow-PPSK network is not for school issued devices or chromebooks.
VPNs Users may not use VPNs on Bow-PPSK. This will result in loss of privilage.
What's a PPSK Password?
A PPSK password is a special password that is unique to each BowNET user. Each Student, Professional Staff member, Support Staff member, and Administrator is issued one PPSK password via an automated email to their BowNET Gmail account.
Its this password that allows you to connect your device the Bow_PPSK Network.
Connecting to the Bow-PPSK Network:
Simply open up your Network or Wi-Fi settings on your device and select the network named 'Bow-PPSK', then enter or copy and paste your PPSK password. If you need assistance with this stop by your building's IT office or submit a help ticket.
I was not sent am Email with my PPSK password, lost it, or never got one:
Not to worry, please see your building's IT office or submit a help ticket.
For Apple Users:
In order to get online you must disable the setting called 'Private IP'. This is because this setting makes our system think that you have more than three devices and won't let you online. Click here for an article from Apple on how to do this in just two steps. If you need assistance with this, see your building's IT staff or submit a help ticket.